Tag: Repentance

  • Renewed In Christ

    (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) There are many scriptures in the bible that provide mankind with hope and this short piece is no exception. We all have a past that we are not happy about or were ashamed about. Some did things that were worse than others, but we all came from a background of sin in…

  • Walking Properly With Christ

    (Romans 13:12-14) One of the first principles of coming to Jesus Christ is the principle of repentance. Repentance relates to changing your life by turning around and away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit. The word “repentance” is translated from the Greek word “metanoia” which literally means to change…

  • Stumbling Forward

    (Romans 11:12-13) Israel stumbled. They fell from the grace of God. They became hard of heart and stiff-necked not willing to bow before the true God but turning aside to false gods and to gratification of the flesh. They chose to seek a form of self-righteousness through works of law rather than following in the…

  • God Shows No Partiality

    (Romans 2:6-11) People talk about the two great inevitabilities being death and taxes. However neither of those is inevitable as we can be set free from death in Jesus Christ and if you know how you can legally avoid taxes. But there is one thing that truly is an inevitability, and that is the God…

  • Russian Roulette

    (Acts 12:18-19) Are you familiar with the deadly game of Russian roulette? It is the nastiest game of gambling ever devised because the loser loses their life on a game of chance. It works like this. Assume a gun has a cylinder that spins and takes say six bullets. The cylinder is then emptied and…

  • Why Repentance

    (Acts 3:17-26) How many times have you seen repentance depicted in the media or cartoons as some scruffy old guy wearing a sign that says something like, “Repent, the end is near!” Or how many times is repentance shown as some preacher breathing threats of hellfire and damnation if people don’t repent and turn to…

  • Go and Sin No More

    (John 5:9-17) As we study the scriptures there are often the obvious lessons that can be seen, but now and again we see some less obvious teachings. There is one such lesson in this section of scriptues. There were a number of times in the scriptures where Jesus healed or ministered to people and attached…

  • Before the Cock Crows

    (Luke 22:28-34) Many times in the Bible we see Simon Peter’s weaknesses exposed. He was upbraided by the Lord on occasion, and he was also upbraided by the Apostle Paul when he drew back from mixing with the Gentiles. Peter made mistakes and he showed his humanity in many ways. In this section of scripture…

  • He Came to Save the Lost

    (Luke 19:1-10) There was a belief amongst the religious people, and perhaps all the people, at the time when Jesus appeared that he was coming to be king over the earth. They had an expectation that he would reign as supreme and all powerful and that the religious leaders would perhaps take positions of authority…

  • Repentance and Forgiveness

    (Luke 17:3-4) Let’s face it, sin is a problem in the world. In addition we all make mistakes and mess up from time to time. Some people are callous and don’t care, but most people try to find a solution to their mistakes. That is where repentance and forgiveness come into play. Repentance and forgiveness…

  • The Prodigal Sons Big Brother

    (Luke 15:25-32) In my last post I looked at the Prodigal Son. Now let’s take the second part of that message and consider the prodigal son’s elder brother. Most people know about the prodigal son, but not too many think about the lesson the Lord was teaching about his elder brother. So let’s spare a…

  • The Prodigal Son

    (Luke 15:11-24) Almost everyone knows the story of the prodigal son, including non-Christians. The message has been widely and much used as a teaching of redemption and return. It is a wonderful parable and has a number of good messages for Christians. This is the third message of the Lord in this chapter of Luke…