Tag: Persecution

  • Persecuted for Christ

    The one thing you can be sure of when you come to Jesus is that you will be persecuted for Christ. Read on to find out more.

  • Expect the Worst but Hope for the Best

    There is an attitude that we need to take as we walk with Christ. We need to expect the worst but hope for the best.

  • Bless Those Who Persecute You

    (Romans 12:14) If ever there was a verse in the bible that represented or summed up the attitude of Christians, it is this one.   Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. (Romans 12:14) As Christians we have not been called to be a people of violence, hatred and anger who…

  • Lies and Innuendo

    (Acts 21:27-36) If you are a Christian and doggedly holding firm to your faith, you are going to suffer. You are going to be knocked down, kicked about, pushed to the limits, exasperated, frustrated and more for the sake of the gospel. Most of the time this will be spiritual attack through people, but sometimes…

  • Listen To God

    (Acts 4:13-22) We see the disciples in this section of scripture being interrogated by the Jewish leaders of their time over the healing of a man born a cripple. Through the power of the name of Jesus he was healed and this was witnessed by a great many people. Peter and John then used this…

  • A Servant is Not Greater than His Master

    (John 15:18-20) There is a principle here that we can learn that will help us understand just how far we can go in our walk with Jesus Christ. There is also a warning and a reminder of what to expect as we walk with Christ in these verses. We see also that Jesus made us…

  • Dealing With Persecution

    (John 11:54-57) One of the things we can count on as Christians is that there will be persecutions. We will be taken to task over many of the things we say, do and believe. Even though as Christians our aim is to be like Christ, everyone else will use that as an opportunity to cut…

  • Suffering for Jesus Sake

    (Matthew 10:24-26) It goes without saying that no man can be greater than Jesus who is Lord and the Son of God. However every person can aspire to be like Jesus. One of the reasons for his appearing was to provide us with many examples of how we are to live in this world. He…

  • Sheep in the midst of Wolves

    (Matthew 10:16-23) Jesus told his disciples when he sent them out to preach and teach that they were going into a dangerous situation. The imagery of sheep in the midst of wolves conveys a picture of warning and danger. He made no promises here that when you teach the word of God all would be…