Tag: Jesus Power

  • Unstoppable

    (John 10:17-21) There are some things in this world that are considered unstoppable and unchangeable. The rising and setting of the sun, the ebb and flow of the tides and of course those classics…death and taxes! But in truth all of these things are really only temporary and there will come a time when they…

  • Faith is More Important than Knowledge

    (John 9:6-12) Sometimes the Lord may ask us to do the strangest things. Sometimes we may think, “Surely he is not serious? He must be joking?” There were many times in the Bible where we see the Lord say to His people to do something that just seemed to be…well, strange. But in all of…

  • Lost!

    (John 8:21-22) What is one of the most frustrating and annoying things that can happen to you? When you lose something and cannot find it. Even though you hunt high and low, the darn thing just cannot be found anywhere. Think about the times you may have misplaced your keys, wallet, cell phone or something…

  • Doing the Works of God

    (John 6:28-34) Do you want to have the eternal life that is on offer from the Lord? Do you want to live a life where you find peace, joy, security and the knowledge that God will protect and help you through all things? Well that is the offer of Christianity, and yes there will be…

  • The Word of God

    (John 3:31-36) Jesus spoke the words of God and He is the Word of God. What he spoke and taught in His gospel were not the words of man but of God. He did not speak about the things of this earth, but the things of the kingdom of heaven for His words are the…

  • Destroy this Temple and in Three Days I Will Raise It Up

    (John 2:18-22) Jesus had just chased the pigeon sellers and money changers from the temple. He overturned their tables and used a whip of cords to drive out the animals from the temple. In his zeal for the temple as being a house of prayer and not a place for commerce he brought order and…

  • The Very Stones Would Cry Out

    (Luke 19:28-40) As Jesus entered Jerusalem for the final time it was in humility but as triumphal as the King that He is. He came into the city knowing that he would soon be put to death, for this was the purpose of His coming. But in the short time he walked the earth it…

  • A Kingdom Divided Cannot Stand

    (Luke 11:14-23) Have you ever been in a situation where there is a power struggle going on? You see it in political parties, sometimes in business and often in family life. What is the outcome of these factional disputes? Chaos, anarchy, trouble, frustration and the list goes on. In this section of scripture we see…

  • Who is Jesus

    (Luke 9:18-22) Who is Jesus? Many of the people of the world think of him as just a good man that lived about 2,000 years ago. Christians recognise him as the Son of God and the Christ, but what else do we know about Jesus identity? First, in this scripture it is not possible to…

  • Jesus Calmed the Storm

    (Luke 8:22-25) There is much that can be taken from this section of scripture where Jesus calmed the storm. This teaching gives us insight as well as encouragement and comfort for those times when we are surrounded by the storms of life. When we have faith in Jesus, we know that He has the power…

  • The Woman Who Was A Sinner

    (Luke 7:36-50) Judgement is a harsh thing, especially when it comes from one who does not have the right to judge. Who in this world is not a sinner? Who in this world is perfect and has the right to judge another? These are the questions and issues that are posed in this event about…

  • He Who Is To Come

    (Luke 7:18-23) John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if he was, “He who is to come.” Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” (Acts 19:4) So when John spoke about “He…