Tag: freedom from law

  • No Prison Could Hold Them

    (Acts 16:25-40) Paul and Silas were thrown into prison and beaten wrongfully for their testimony and casting out the demon that had bound the life of a slave girl. This was a vindictive, spiteful and hateful act against these two men who had done good. And why was it done? Because the owners of the…

  • Did The Apostle Paul Lie?

    (Acts 16:1-5) Here is a conundrum. In the last few few posts I have been looking at how Paul and Barnabas argued with some members of the early church who were pushing for the new Gentile churches to be taught that they must be circumcised. Paul and Barnabas hotly opposed these men and to get…

  • A Letter to the Church

    (Acts 15:22-35) The council of the apostles and elders, having considered the matters brought to them by Paul, Barnabas and the circumcision party of the believers, came to a decision as to the way forward. The next step of the process for them was to communicate this decision back to the Gentile churches. To do…

  • Keeping the Law of Moses

    (Acts 15:1-5) Here we see one of the stark contrasts between the teachings of the old covenant and the new covenant and as it says in verse 2 of this chapter, it caused a great argument and “No small dissension” between the two opposed groups. There were some men, and I must point out here…

  • The Most Important Thing

    (Acts 13:36-43) There are a lot of really good scriptures in the Bible…well ALL of them are actually! But, every now and then you come across something so profound, yet so simple, that it will just blow your mind. These few scriptures are one of those sections. These few words include a statement that is…

  • The Conversion of Saul

    (Acts 9:1-9) One of the most amazing events in the book of Acts was the transformation that took place in the life of Saul who became the apostle Paul. The mechanism of his conversion was so amazing hat it is no wonder he was rocked to the very core and spun about one hundred and…

  • Baptising the Ethiopian

    (Acts 8:26-40) Philip had spent some time in Samaria but was then directed by The Lord through the Holy Spirit to move on. He was instructed to go down the road from Jerusalem to Gaza as there was more work for him to do. This was a significant road and there were people moving along…

  • Implications of Stephens Defence

    (Acts 7:1-53) Stephen was dragged before the rulers of the Jews, falsely accused of many things by men incited to stand against him and put on trial. But The Lord was with Stephen and his defence was quite remarkable in many ways. Not only did he condemn the religious leaders of his time for their…

  • Christian Giving vs. Tithing

    (Acts 4:32-37) The process of giving in the early Christian church was not like it was under the law of Judaism. In Jesus Christ the people had been set free from the confines of the Old Testament law, but this did not take place until the New Covenant came into effect at the death of…

  • Jesus Could Not Be Held By Death

    (Acts 2:22-24) Jesus died at Calvary. We all know that. We also know that He was resurrected from the dead three days after He had been put to death because Jesus could not be held by death. But why? What was the reason why He could not be held by death? And also is there…

  • Jesus is Buried

    (John 19:38-42) The events that followed the death of Jesus were interesting as His body was taken for burial. The depth of feeling that the Jewish leaders held against Jesus and those who followed him was evident in the reactions of those who claimed His body. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who was a ruler…

  • Jesus Dies

    (John 19:31-37) Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in one of his book these words, that God is dead. He was speaking about how the whole idea and concept of God was dead in modern western society. How the premise of atheism has overtaken modern thinking to attempt to destroy all thoughts and actions in society that promote…