Tag: False teachers

  • Don’t Make Shipwreck of Your Faith

    As a Christian, don’t make shipwreck of your faith by veering off into dangerous places. Seek the the fullness of the truth and the true church of God.

  • Turning away from God after Salvation

    Turning away from God after salvation takes many forms. Walking away from God into error is even institutionalised in many churches.

  • Beware the deceit of human tradition in the Church

    When Jesus came to the earth, He brought a new knowledge. He brought the words and the ways of God to show them to mankind. But man has corrupted that truth with human traditions, philosophies, and false teachings.

  • Where will you find wisdom and knowledge?

    The world today is awash with information and data more so than at any other time in history. But that is not the same as wisdom and knowledge.

  • Enemies of Christ inside the Church

    It is sad to say, but not all who come to Christ will stay with Him. The call will go out to many people around the world, but some will outright reject the call, others will fall away for some reason and worse yet, others will see Christianity as a means for personal power or…

  • Look Out!

    Paul warns us about different groups of people who would try to tear us down and take us away from the truth of Jesus Christ. His concerns are not just about those in the world, but also those who penetrate the church to work a different kind of evil.

  • Take the Whole Armour of God

    One of the things we learn as we grow in Jesus Christ is that we are at war. Every minute of the day and in every circumstance we may find ourselves in places where we are being attacked spiritually and sometimes verbally or even physically. If we are to wage this spiritual war effectively, then…

  • Deception of Empty Words

    The Apostle Paul was concerned for the Ephesian church that false teachers would come among them speaking many flowery things, but whose words would be empty of any truth. It is even more of an issue today than it was in the days of Paul.

  • Growing in Christ

    (Ephesians 4:14) In my last two posts I looked at the ministry gifts given to the Church by God. I considered “what” those gifts are and how they worked in the Church. I also looked at the reason God gave these gifts, which was to bring Christians to maturity in Christ. God wants His people…

  • Love Shares, It Does Not Take

    (Galatians 6:6) There are some ministers in the church who take this scripture and twist it to their own purposes. This is unfortunate but not unheard of as there are some in the church who do twist scriptures to gain a personal advantage. And we are warned about this in the Bible, that there will…

  • Is your bread leavened with truth or lies?

    (Galatians 5:9-10) The principle in this scripture flies in the face of one accepted wisdom of this world. Specifically, it opposes the idea of yin yang. It is a principle of truth that is the point of this scripture, and to accept the position of yin and yang is to reject the truth and accept…

  • Who hinders you from obeying the truth?

    (Galatians 5:7-8) These two verses pose an important question, probably more important today than it was when the Apostle Paul wrote it. The doctrine of the early church was being polluted by false teaching. The church had been infiltrated by teachers and preachers who were leading the people astray by teaching things that had no…