Tag: Evolution

  • Not all have Faith

    Not all have faith on this earth, despite the overwhelming evidence for God. They choose instead to accept lies and so reject the life offered by God

  • Where will you find wisdom and knowledge?

    The world today is awash with information and data more so than at any other time in history. But that is not the same as wisdom and knowledge.

  • Living Futile Lives

    (Ephesians 4:17-19) A life without living in the presence of the Lord is a futile life. Every person in this world who chooses to reject the call of God is living in futility. They do not understand that this life is not the “main game,” it is just a taste of what is possible. But…

  • Seeing But Not Believing

    (Romans 1:18-23) They say there are none so blind as they who will not see. And this is an apt and accurate description for those who choose to reject a God and seek to understand the world around us without accepting His sovereign power. They also say that seeing is believing and many reject God…

  • Are Christians Mad?

    (Acts 26:24-32) As Paul stood and made a defence before King Agrippa, Bernice his wife and the Roman governor Festus, he spoke openly about the things to do with Jesus. Agrippa was the king over the Jewish realm at the time and had an excellent knowledge of all that had happened concerning Jesus and his…

  • Testifying to the Truth

    (John 8:17-18) One of the key precepts of modern society is the bearing of testimony. It is an ingrained part of the legal system, but also is a big part of day to day life. Advertisers use it, marketers use it, businesses use it and even bloggers use it. It comes in the form of…

  • Miracles don’t Change the Heart of Non-Believers

    (Matthew 11:20-24) You would think that if miracles were performed in front of the eyes of people they would change. If you saw something totally amazing that could only have been done by the power of God, that you would listen to the one doing those things. Well man just doesn’t seem to be like…