Tag: Eternal Life

  • The fullness of God in Jesus Christ

    This scripture today speaks about fullness. It looks at the fullness of God in Jesus Christ and how that also affects us as Christians. This is what we are seeking when we come to Christ. To be filled with the fullness of God in Jesus Christ.

  • The New Heavens and the New Earth (Ep 60)

    When all has been completed, the final judgment has taken place, and all the prophecies of the Bible are completed then the Kingdom of God will be with men. God will destroy this old heaven and earth and create a brand new earth for His people to live into eternity. This promise is written in…

  • Eternal Judgement, Resurrection and the 1,000 Year Rule and Reign of Christ (Ep 59)

    After the Lord returns there will be a period of time when the devil is locked up for one thousand years. Christ will rule and reign upon the earth and the first group of people will be resurrected to reign with Him. This period will end with the devil being loosed and he will gather…

  • Resurrection

    (1 Corinthians 15:35-49) It appears to me that there is a great amount of interest, but not a lot of understanding about the resurrection of the dead. The resurrection is THE most important and fundamental teaching in Christianity. It is because of the resurrection that Christianity even exists, as I have pointed out in other…

  • Love Never Ends

    (1 Corinthians 13:8-12) Everything pertaining to this world and this life are temporary. Even the earth, sun, stars and the universe are only temporary. Everything we can see, everything we know will not last. Except for God's love. Only love is eternal and only God's love never ends. His love goes on forever and ever…

  • Receiving Eternal Life

    (John 17:1-5) It has been mankind’s wish and desire to be able to live forever since the earliest of times. In days gone by there were wild stories about seeking and trying to find the fountain of youth, which of course never existed. Receiving eternal life through such methods was and always will be a…

  • I Am The Resurrection and The Life

    (John 11:17-27) In the previous two posts I have been looking at the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Lazarus. When Jesus came to the place where he had taken ill and died, he spoke to Martha and Mary, who were sisters of Lazarus. In this discussion Jesus makes one of the…

  • Peter’s Confession

    (John 6:66-71) The Lord had just spoken difficult things to many of those who followed him. He showed them that it was necessary that they eat his flesh and drink his blood if they were to enter the kingdom of God. These were hard sayings for them to comprehend and as a result many of…

  • What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life

    (Luke 18:18-23) This question has occupied the minds of men since the beginning of time. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? In years gone by men sought elixirs and tonics to extend life, they sought the mythical fountain of youth to try to attain eternal life. Today they look to medicine and some…

  • How to Inherit Eternal Life

    (Luke 10:25-28) As Jesus was teaching there were always people opposing what he said. Always there was a Pharisee, scribe or some other person from the religious establishment trying to take him to task over some matter of the Kingdom of God and Jesus’ teachings. Here we see another example from a man who was…

  • What does it Profit a Man to Gain the Whole World and Lose His Life

    (Luke 9:23-27) In these words, “What does it Profit a Man to Gain the Whole World and Lose His Life,” Jesus makes a number of highly valuable and important points. He goes on to say that if any man saves his life he will lose it and if any man loses his life for the…

  • No one Hides a Light under a Bushel

    (Luke 8:16-18) What is it that everybody on this earth thinks they have? This is not about possessions or any of the material things of this life. There is a deep meaning in the few words of the above section of scripture. Take heed how you hear This is a warning from the Lord. Be…