Tag: Be Prepared

  • Falling Away From God

    (Hebrews 3:12-14 – Falling Away from God) The worst thing that can happen to any Christian is to fall away. Falling away from God basically spells the death of the Christian as they reject all they may have learned and returned to the ways of the world. To do such a thing is a terrible…

  • Love one another in these troubled times

    It is critical that Christians everywhere love one another in these troubled times. The time is short and we must prepare for His coming.

  • The Darkness of Complacency

    There is a grey area that causes those who are of the light, the people of God, to fall back into darkness. In a word, it is the darkness of complacency.

  • Get ready for the Coming of the Lord

    The time is short. The last days of this age are nearly over. The signs preceding the return of Christ are already happening. It is time for all the people of God to get ready for the coming of the Lord. His return is imminent, so watch and be prepared.

  • A people chosen by God

    We are a people chosen by God. In the first few verses of 1 Thessalonians 1 we see Paul speak to the church about this and he gives some insights from which we can learn.

  • Belts And Braces

    (2 Corinthians 9:1-5) Have you ever heard the expression “belts and braces?” It refers to the process of ensuring that something is checked and then double-checked to ensure it is right. If you look at the concept from a clothing perspective, it is like a man who is worried that his trousers might fall down.…

  • Be Watchful

    (1 Corinthians 16:5-23) In these last words of the chapter and book of 1 Corinthians 16, what we see for the most part are Pauls final greetings and closing remarks to the church. However in among those words are a few gems we can take away and use ourselves in our walk with Christ Jesus.…

  • United In Christ

    (1 Corinthians 12:12-26) When the gospel was first preached by Jesus Christ Himself, and subsequently by those who learned it directly from Him, there was only one body. There was one message, one truth and one way that was taught to all the people of the early church. But as time went on and those…

  • It’s Up To God

    (Romans 9:14-18) In this and the previous verses of Romans 9 we see Paul discussing God’s process and purpose of election. He shows us that God selects and chooses people to do certain things and he explains that God raises some people up for both good and evil. Here we see Paul speak of how…

  • When God Gave Up

    (Romans 1:24-32) Can you imagine the possibility where God gives up? How bad must a situation become if God gives up? Well it has happened! In this section of scripture Paul writes and describes not once but three times where God gave up. Three times in this section we see that God gave up on…

  • Bound For Glory

    (Acts 22:22-30) Paul’s return to Jerusalem was surrounded by controversy and tumult. After being almost killed by a mob in the city he was dragged away by soldiers bound and arrested. Paul was permitted to make a defence to the crowd who had almost killed him and they listened to the point where he told…

  • Withdrawing From Evil

    (Acts 19:8-10) These couple of scriptures are only short and could be easily overlooked. However they teach us about withdrawing from evil which is a valuable lesson that we need to recognise and understand. Too often people these days are more concerned with standing and fighting against evil men. We see arguments across the web,…