Free Gift From God

Christians are at war in the Spirit, but to fight this they need to be prepared and ready. This FREE spiritual warfare training program dives deep into how to wage this war and win. Join the SPIRITUAL WARFARE TRAINING PROGRAM here.

  • Seek the Lord and Never, Ever Give Up

    (Mark 10:46-52) Bartimaeus was a man blind from birth. He eked out his existence through begging on the streets. The outlook for his life was poor. He was rejected by people, as we will see, and had little to look forward to. But he had one thing that shone out, faith. His faith was great…

  • Making a Request of God

    (Mark 10:35-45) James and John were two brothers and disciples of the Lord. They came to him asking if Jesus would grant them to sit at his right and his left hand in his kingdom. (Verse 37) There was a lesson for them and the rest of the disciples to learn and Jesus used this…

  • Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection

    (Mark 10:32-34) Jesus was well aware of his purpose on this earth. He came to be the perfect sacrifice so that man could be reconciled to God. He came to die so that we would have the chance to live. He spoke about this on several occasions with his disciples. His aim by doing this…

  • Wealth Will Not Make You Secure

    (Mark 10:23-31) Why do people seek money? Why are people focussed on wealth creation? Why do people desire so greatly to be rich, to the point that some will seek illegal methods of getting there? Security is the reason. Money and wealth in this age equals security. People want wealth so that they don’t have…

  • Conditions to Receive Eternal Life

    (Mark 10:17-22) What must you do to have eternal life? This is an interesting question. I am sure it has gone through the minds of all mankind at some time for death is the one inevitable part of life that no man can escape. Some people have made a business of eternal life. There are…

  • Let the Children Come

    (Mark 10:13-16) Too often as adults we exclude children. The old saying that children should be sen and not heard is still often applied by many people. In public places and in churches they are told to be still, keep quiet and stop being disruptive. But they are kids! By nature they are boisterous, undisciplined…

  • Marriage and Divorce

    (Mark 10:2-12) The Pharisees tried to test Jesus with a question about divorce. Is divorce lawful? Did Jesus say that two people could not divorce? Should people be allowed to divorce? These are very serious matters and Jesus’ answer was interesting. Note his first response to the Pharisees. He said, “What did Moses command you?”…

  • All This For Free

    (Mark 10:1) It occurred to me as I read this first verse of Mark how valuable the word of the Lord is. The scripture says, “And he left there and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan, and crowds gathered to him again; and again, as his custom was, he taught them.”…

  • Being Serious About Salvation

    (Mark 9:42-50) How serious are you about salvation? How serious should you be? Is it the most important thing in your life? Should it be the most important thing? To answer these questions read this section of the scripture, for it gives us an indication of how serious we should be about this opportunity the…

  • He Who Is Not With Us Is Against Us

    (Mark 9:38-41) The Lord taught the disciples an interesting lesson in this section of scripture. The disciples had come come across a man casting out demons in the name of Jesus, but the man was not following with Jesus and the disciples. The disciples forbade him from continuing to do this work. But Jesus said,…

  • Who is the Greatest?

    (Mark 9:33-37) In this world people strive to be the best. To be faster, bigger, stronger, more powerful, richer or more famous than others. It is commonly heard that you have to “sing your own praises” or “blow your own trumpet” because no-one else will. In this world there are processes and training to enable…

  • Jesus Speaks of His Death and Resurrection

    (Mark 9:30-32) Jesus had shown on many occasions that he did not want his disciples to be uninformed. In the world today one of the things used by people as power is the withholding of information. But this was not Jesus’ way then and it is not his way now. In this section of scripture…