Category: Romans

  • Brotherly Love

    (Romans 14:1-4) There are many people with different Christian backgrounds who read this and other Christian blogs. They come from all denominations and sects of the church, both from mainstream churches as well as small independent groups, home churches and those going solo who are in-between churches. The one thing ALL of these people have…

  • Walking Properly With Christ

    (Romans 13:12-14) One of the first principles of coming to Jesus Christ is the principle of repentance. Repentance relates to changing your life by turning around and away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit. The word “repentance” is translated from the Greek word “metanoia” which literally means to change…

  • Salvation Is Near

    (Romans 13:11) The primary reason people come to Jesus Christ is that they recognize the fruitless ness and worthlessness of their life on earth through sin, and are seeking salvation. Jesus Christ is the Saviour and He is the way we must find salvation for salvation comes from God alone, through Jesus Christ. But there…

  • Love: The Great Commandment

    (Romans 13:8-10) What is the ultimate expression of the faith and beliefs of a Christian? Is it good works? Is it giving a helping hand when needed? Is it showing our faith is real through the things we do, our behaviours and where we stand when the going gets tough? Well, all of these things…

  • Paying Taxes

    (Romans 13:6-7) Let's face it, everybody hates paying taxes! Most people complain bitterly about the amount of taxes they have to pay and there are whole industries devoted to helping people find ways to legitimately reduce the amount of tax they pay. There are also plenty of people who illegally evade taxes too, which is…

  • Governing Authorities

    (Romans 13:1-5) So often today it seems that as soon as an elected government comes to power they are immediately lionized as being the worst government ever or being the source and reason for all the ills and evils that exist in that country. This is especially noticeable on social media. The rants against governments…

  • Vengeance Is Mine

    (Romans 12:19-21) Over the last few posts we have looked at the attitudes and behaviours of life in Jesus Christ. Most specifically there have been a few posts considering the issue of revenge and retaliation when we are hurt or wronged by other people. The bible is very clear about this subject and the whole…

  • Live Peaceably With All

    (Romans 12:18) One of the primary and fundamental tenets of the Christian life is to live in peace. We have the promise of peace being left with us through Jesus Christ and we seek peace as we walk with Him. God the Father is referred to in various places as the God of peace and…

  • Seek Honour, Not Evil

    (Romans 12:17) The Lord God said in various places that vengeance belongs to Him. It is not for us to seek to avenge ourselves but rather to leave vengeance to the wrath of God. If you are a Christian and have been for any length of time, you will certainly have suffered at the hands…

  • Live In Harmony

    Romans 12:16 In this world there is terrible conflict. It is the way of the world that one person or one group stands opposed to others. The nature of this world is competition to compete for what is best for the individual. In this day and age in particular the fundamental philosophy of the world…

  • Bless Those Who Persecute You

    (Romans 12:14) If ever there was a verse in the bible that represented or summed up the attitude of Christians, it is this one.   Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. (Romans 12:14) As Christians we have not been called to be a people of violence, hatred and anger who…

  • Living in the Family of God

    (Romans 12:13) This scripture truly lays the basis for living in the family of God. It epitomizes the brotherly love that exists in the family of God and one of the many ways that love shoud be manifested within the family. The verse reads as follows. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek…