Category: Matthew 7

  • Build Your House Upon The Rock

    (Matthew 7:24-29) In this final section of the sermon on the mount Jesus gives the last warning to the people and to us today. When he speaks of building your house upon the rock he is talking about your life. And again in this section he is giving us the key to life and living…

  • Who will go into God’s Kingdom?

    (Matthew 7:21-23)   Jesus tells us in this section of scripture that not everyone will go into God’s Kingdom. There are many who appear to be righteous that will miss out.   It is not enough to call on the name of the Lord to gain entry into God’s Kingdom. Jesus says here that not…

  • Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers

    (Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 15-20) One of the greatest challenges all Christians face when trying to seek out the truth is…who do you believe. Jesus warned us in this section about being careful to spot and avoid false prophets or false teachers. If we choose to follow the wrong teachings from one of these people…

  • Enter by the Narrow Gate

    (Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 13-14) One of the disciples once asked the Lord, “Will those who are saved be few?” (Luke 13:23) The Lord responded saying, “Strive to enter by the narrow door,” and here in this section we see that same teaching being repeated in a slightly different manner. Here the Lord is saying…

  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

    (Matthew Chapter 7, Verse 12)In this one verse (vs. 12) the Lord has shown us a summary of what was contained in the Old Covenant law and the words of the prophets. “Whatever you would wish that men would do to you, do so to them.” This one verse provides both an insight into what…

  • Ask and it will be Given, Seek and you will Find, Knock and it will be Opened

    (Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 7-11) Another set of wonderful promises in this section of scripture. Beginning with, “Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened,.” These are such positive messages to the Christian who is really looking for the truth. There is no if, but or…

  • Judge not that you be not Judged

    (Matthew Chapter 7, Verses 1-6) We are called to have a positive relationship with one another as brethren. In any positive relationship there is no judgement of our fellow man. At the start of this chapter Jesus points out that we are not to judge one another. The fundamental principle here is that the basis…