Category: John 11

  • Dealing With Persecution

    (John 11:54-57) One of the things we can count on as Christians is that there will be persecutions. We will be taken to task over many of the things we say, do and believe. Even though as Christians our aim is to be like Christ, everyone else will use that as an opportunity to cut…

  • Plotting Against Jesus

    (John 11:45-53) After Lazarus was raised from the dead, a great many of the Jews believed in Him. They recognised the power of God in Jesus for no one had ever seen a man resurrected before. This confounded the leaders, the chief priests and the Pharisees and threw them into despair. They were utterly at…

  • Lazarus Resurrected

    (John 11:38-44) The resurrection of Lazarus was a pivotal moment in the work that the Lord did while He was on the earth. In this one moment and action He showed mankind that He truly did have the power over life and death. The teachings that He gave while carrying out this work were equally…

  • Jesus – Fully God, Fully Man

    (John 11:28-36) Quite often we hear people speak about Jesus using the words above. They say that He was fully God and fully man. Even though the Bible does not use those words exactly as they are written, they are indeed true. Even Jesus himself said that ache was both the Son of God and…

  • I Am The Resurrection and The Life

    (John 11:17-27) In the previous two posts I have been looking at the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Lazarus. When Jesus came to the place where he had taken ill and died, he spoke to Martha and Mary, who were sisters of Lazarus. In this discussion Jesus makes one of the…

  • Lazarus Dies

    (John 11:5-16) In my last post we looked at what Jesus did and said when a messenger came to Him saying that Lazarus was ill. We see in this section of scripture that Jesus loved Martha, Mary and Lazarus so it is certain that they were good friends and Jesus would help His friends just…

  • The Lord Knows Everything

    (John 11:1-4) Does any person seriously believe that they can hide anything from God? I know many think they can but who are they really fooling? Only themselves. Our God has been described as omniscient and omnipotent, that is, all seeing, all knowing and all powerful. Anybody who thinks they can hide from such a…