Blessed are the Poor

(Luke 6:20)

Jesus began the sermon on the mount teaching the blessings we have come to know as the Beatitudes. These short teachings are powerful messages that still offer hope and promise today as much as they did then. Their insight has rung down through the centuries with the offer and promise of a hopeful future for all who come to God as they minister truths about the kingdom of God.

sermon on the mountThis scripture says, “Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Now I must add that this is a blessing pronounced on the poor who are seeking God, because he has not pronounced this blessing on all of the poor, but he says this while addressing the multitude of his disciples and followers. Those who are poor often find themselves in difficult and trying circumstances for lack of basic needs. But those who are poor AND seeking the Lord have all of their needs fulfilled. The poor in the Lord do not go in want for God has promised to take care of his people and provide all their needs. He has told his people not to worry about food and clothing and the things of this world for they will all be provided, when they make seeking the Kingdom of God and his righteousness as their first priority. (Matthew 6:25-34)

The next interesting thing about this scripture is the word “blessed.” This word is translated from the Greek word “makarios” and has the meaning of being extremely blessed, fortunate or happy. So what the Lord is saying is that those who are poor are blessed or should be happy because they are fortunate for they have as a reward the kingdom of God. That should certainly be a reason for anyone to be happy as it is a great blessing and a promise.

Now why would a poor person be so blessed and happy and a rich one not? Simply put a poor person has nothing to lose and there is nothing that will stand in their way of worshiping the Lord. In addition they do not have to worry about people taking their property from them for they have little anyway, and without the worries of property and possessions that the rich have, they can devote full devotion to the Lord and to worship. The poor learn to rely upon the Lord and he provides their needs. As I said earlier too, they have the promise of the Lord that their needs will be met, and if they trust in him, they will have no need for anxiety. David the king wrote, “I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread.” (Psalm 37:25) This is a wonderful testimony to the fact that God keeps his word and is a God we can trust.

So when you are suffering or if you find yourself in need, remember these scriptures. Remember to place your trust in our loving God and to seek his way and his counsel. If you are in need, go to him with your need and he will provide, sometimes in mysterious and sometimes unexpected ways, for nothing is beyond his power. Seeking the things of this world is actually counter productive. Instead seek the things of God and he will provide the things of this world necessary to sustain and strengthen you. In the final analysis the reward that we await patiently to receive entry into the kingdom of God is far greater than the transitory treasures and pleasure of this world that you cannot take with you anyway.

(Picture sourced from



