A Sign From God With A Miracle Healing

Some years ago in the early 2000’s my wife and I had been on a camping holiday touring parts of central Australia. Towards the end of the holiday she took ill as it had been only a few months since she had undergone open heart bypass surgery. I took her to the hospital in Alice Springs and once she was stabilised they contaced the Royal Flying Doctor Service who flew her back to our home state as the Alice Springs hospital did not have the equipment to manage her illness adequately.

The day they flew her home I said my goodbyes and began the long journey to drive back home alone with our campervan and all our gear. It would normally be a comfortable three day drive but I was keen to get home and did the trip in two days.

As I drove I spent a good deal of time in prayer to the Lord, firstly in relation to my wife’s illness but then about other things in general. During the trip the Lord gave me some words saying that I should speak to His people. He further said that he would confirm the message with a sign from God. He then told me to look at my hands. Being obedient I lifted my hands off the steering wheel and said something like, “OK I’m looking at my hands.”

Now let me go back a little in time. During the holiday the backs of my hands had broken out with a dermatitus, which I used to suffer with from time to time in the past. This time it was particularly bad as it covered the backs of both hands. It was painful, itchy and sore, the skin had cracked and was bleeding or weeping and all in all was most unpleasant. In the past the only way I could get relief from this disease was to use one of a range of cortisone based ointments or creams, and because we were on holidays I didn’t have any of these.

So now I’m driving down the road looking at this mess on the back of my hands and wondering what the Lord meant by saying to look at my hands.

I continued the trip and pulled into to Port Augusta in South Australia in the early evening. I had something to eat and then retired to bed in a motel. It was at that time that I noticed the change in my hands. All of the pain, soreness and itching had gone. The dermatitus was still there but there was no pain associated with it. The next day I continued my trip and my hands began to look better. Over the next few days they progressively improved and completely healed without the use of any cortisone medications. Furthermore, since that time, which is now almost ten years ago, I have not had any recurrence of the disease.

It is because of this miracle healing and sign from God that I have put this website together to offer what the Lord has given to me. He has told me on several occasions since that time to speak to his people and this website is just one way that I can obey his word.

Please also let me know if you find something here that has helped you, provided hope or given you reason to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Also if you have any questions then please feel free to contact me.

Other Personal Testimonies

Miracle Healing from a Deadly Blood Disease

God Provides Even in Small Things Too

God Saves from a Deadly Accident

The Miraculous Power of Prayer