Hidden Treasure Parable

(Matthew 13:44)

What would you do if you found a hidden treasure in a field? Let’s say you found gold nuggets or diamonds. Would you go and tell everyone about it? Would you tell people where you found it? Not likely. The hidden treasure parable is saying the same thing.
The hidden treasure parable tells us that find the truth of the gospel is like finding hidden treasure. It is of inestimable value. Like finding hidden treasure in a field, you should not go and tell everyone about it. Keep it to yourself, at least for the time being.

When a person first finds the truth of the Kingdom of God, they experience great joy. Here at last is something that can fill the gap, the emptiness or the longing in their lives. Many people experience emptiness before coming to the Lord because they find this world offers nothing permanent. There is no hope in this world, but in Jesus there is the promise of peace, joy, salvation and eternity.

So the parable of the hidden treasure says that when a person comes across this great treasure they should cover it up. Don’t race off and tell everyone about it. First make sure you have it for yourself. In the parable of the hidden treasure Jesus said the man went and sold all that he had to buy the field. By this means he could ensure that he had full right to the treasure. That it was his and his alone.

Some people believe that as soon as you become a convert you ought to be out on the streets evangelising the world. They point to the great commission, which is to preach to the entire world. But how is a person to do that if they don’t yet fully understand it for themself? When people ask them questions they can’t answer they do not put their best foot forward in Christ.

Instead, the message in the hidden treasure parable tells us that we should make sure this treasure from God is our own first. We must first understand the teachings of Christ and God’s Kingdom before we go out and tell everyone about it. This is what he means by selling all we have to buy the field. If a person does not do this, then others can mock, cajole or do many things to drag them away from the Lord and they will lose this great treasure. To lose this hidden treasure of God that leads to life would be a great tragedy.